Problem with procrastination?

Do you put off for later what you can do today?  Do your friends know that you will always be late? Do you always find yourself just making it on the last day? Then you have a problem with procrastination.  It is like a virus and it affects millions of people. Procrastination is the biggest reason for loss of productivity and late output in business. It has caused many businesses to fail. It can bring havoc in your family and cause the loss of trust between members of your family. Why, because you are not dependable.
If you are one of these people and you realize that you have a problem with procrastination, then it is time to make a change. Here are a few tips to help you overcome this dilemma and become a more productive and reliable person.
For many people, putting off until later is more habit than desire. It can be hard to get into a groove where starting your tasks in a timely fashion is a priority if the consequences for being late are things that are just not that important to you.

1. Set schedules
It is important to make a list with the times of activities you need to accomplish each day. This will help you manage your time and resources. One of the problems with procrastination in people is they put things off because they feel they have so much time left.  A journal, organizer, or calendar of events will help you plan and schedule your task so that you can start them promptly and finish them on time and with more efficiency in your day.

2. Save the break time – 
Many put their work off for later thinking they can play now and work later. Play and fun are enjoyed best when you know that all the hard part is done.When it comes to family putting off and slacking up can lead to forgetting. Family depends on each other for support and that can only come from knowing you are there for each other.

3. Never take for granted your responsibilities
The problem with procrastination is that when it sets in people underestimate the resources, difficulty, and time needed to accomplish a particular task. They will bring down the importance of the task by saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff”, but the small stuff often turns into big stuff that causes big problems. The problem is, no matter how trivial the task, it still takes time and thought to accomplish. If you underestimate a task, you will most likely set too little time to do it and schedule it too close to its deadline. The problem with procrastination is it can sometimes lead to failure.

4. Don't make excuses for procrastinating
Putting off today what needs to be done today can be harmful. Check off your list of what needs to be accomplished throughout the day. This will help you to see that a job accomplished now means more time for relaxation later. Today can be the day that you start defeating all of your problems with procrastination and start being the complete you.

James Smart


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with number 3. So often people do undervalue the work and the time needed to create a quality product. I avoid this as much as possible by trying to figure out why I really don't want to work on the particular task.

Unknown said...

Found you on BlogUpp - enjoyed the post.

This has always been a personal issue - would much rather play, get easily sidetracked, and practice active avoidance of things I'd rather not do.

In the last few years, I've learned (the hard way) that it's always more rewarding to get the 'icky' stuff done first - then it's not hanging over my head. And, never to be underestimated, I can be proud of myself at the end of the day.